Take the shock out of your energy bills


Why use your personal energy tracker?

Track and forecast your energy usage

Track your electricity usage in real-time and estimate your bills more accurately.

Compare this month’s usage to last

Get a glimpse of the last month's usage so that you can compare.

Save money

Estimate your usage, optimize the usage and get an alert on exceeding a limit.

About App

Simple Overview

Track energy use in real time at the sub-second level.
Yes, really.

Monitor your home’s electricity usage from anywhere. Get notifications about abnormal energy usage keeping you safe and helping you reduce your usage when it's highest. Tell us how much you want to spend, and we helps you stay on track.

Download Now

Order your own personal energy tracker home. You can now see how much energy you’re using each month and to make sure there are no nasty surprises when your bill is due. Download the mobile app below.


General questions

See your home’s energy use. Lower your electric bills. Make a difference. You can now see how much energy you’re using each month and to make sure there are no nasty surprises when your bill is due.

Lower the current bill. You can find out the usage right from your phone. The app lets you check your home’s energy usage in real-time. Even better, notifications alert you of abnormal usage patterns so you can take action right away. No more nasty surprises at home or on your electricity bill!

Order your own personal energy tracker home. Install the monitor in your electric panel. Download the app. Start listening! Monitor your power use in real-time right away.

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